Friday, February 29, 2008

Just Say No to Cake

But really, how could anyone say no to these eyes?
I somehow found myself in the position of modeling a cake after the still-elusive Wall-E robot from Disney*Pixar's upcoming movie of the same name. As the deadline loomed, I still wasn't sure how I would put together the dirt-covered, rusty creature out of batter and sugar, but where there's a will, there's a ... cake. A 7-inch-high cake.

In the end, my artsy friend Annie helped with the details -- as in, basically, 95 percent of the cake decorating -- and the bane of my existence -- er, cake -- was finished on time. I would not recommend trying this at home. We opted for no appendages because we just didn't want to deal. Hm. Do you see the resemblance?

...What? You don't?


moneybags said...

That is amazing!!!
its freakin wall-e!
definitely didnt expect to see something like that....
jeez, nicely done!...haha

Anonymous said...

you should get a job with michelle's cakehouse. i'm certain she will hire you in a heartbeat!

Unknown said...

oh your cake turned out amazing!